I love reading the comments on my blogs. They are very entertaining. I will go as far to say, they are fun to read. They are rude, crude, kind, meaningful, sometimes meaningless, funny, well meant, and at times very immature.
I told one of my Facebook friends the other day, " People think it is okay to say whatever they want on the Internet, because it doesn't matter." But it does matter.You are talking to a real person who just poured their hearts out to a mass, unknown audience. You will also get a computer, not a real person, but yes many times there is a person on that other end reading what you just said! Kate Johns
After receiving rude, crude, immature crass comments, I decide how to handle them. I have decided to not let immature, petty people bother me.
When you search for a certain topic,coming across a writer's article, leaving a comment means what I just wrote made you feel a certain way. When a person leaves a comment no matter what it is, that means my writing gave you the choice of reacting or not reacting.You can choose to send kind, inspirational words of encouragement, or you can choose to read what a writer says making rude, crass, immature comments.
I've read the comments people leave on numerous Yahoo stories. Usually they are rude, crude, demonstrating how seriously immature people really are.
You might think many of these rude, crude, immature comments have been made by young children, preteens playing games or young teens just having fun. But many times, it is an upset adult , or someone who is supposed to be an adult, thinking they are venting or telling you something you should know. Or it is someone who grew up using the Internet thinking it is okay to swear at other people. And many times it is an immature person sending low level, guttural garbage; trying to look tough to their friends!
Anyone of any age can make comments on the Internet; you just need an email, and a password, but when you swear, you reach new levels beyond the lowest of lows, that shows you have a problem----you are immature, rude, and crude.
Now that I have been writing on the Internet for five years, I have seen many horrible writers and some so good I wonder why they haven't been grabbed up for lucrative book writing contracts. When I was writing for a certain website, a fellow writer, just learning the English language wrote a website email telling me to give up writing, and get another job. After showing my husband the crude remark, he said, "You have made someone jealous. You need to expect crude comments as well as the good ones!"
After getting good grades in high school, and college for my writing, being told by one teacher, "You have a wonderfully analytical mind." Yet another teacher told me , "You are so amazingly creative." I decided that writing was what I wanted to do, and nothing will deter my long sought goals.
I'm going to keep writing, making some people laugh, others cry, and perhaps make others jealous or angry. I will not be deterred, by rude, crude, nasty, immature Internet comments!! COPYRIGHT 2012!!
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