Facebook needs to change it's status updates again to something more imaginative. I adored when Facebook asked everyone to talk about themselves in third person.
Ellen De Generes had a hilarious comment one day about how she misses Facebook's old way of people talking to each other in third person. Then she said, "Ellen De Generes misses that."
When I first logged onto Facebook a little over two years ago, I couldn't understand why people were talking to each other in third person. It sounded very impersonal and lofty to me.It made people sound like they were all talking like a highly paid, basketball player.
I would laugh my butt off, reading other people's comments on how they were talking to one another, like "Ellen is at a bar getting drunk." When Facebook was in the throes of a hormonal overload, admittedly having growing pains, Facebook would ask for your status.
Personally, I always thought that meant, Facebook was asking if you were single, married, in a relationship, or something like it's complicated.
Then like all good things coming to an end, Facebook changed status updates to I believe "comment here." I remember that as being rather confusing, because I thought what do you want me to comment on? That's when I started commenting on everything that I noticed, and did all day long. That was seriously dull, so Facebook changed their status updates to what they are currently of:"What's on your mind?"
What's on your mind is even worse, because I am the person who will tell you what is really on my mind. But from what I've noticed on Facebook, people hardly ever say what is really on their minds.
Maybe it is time for Facebook to change it's status updates again to something else like; perhaps a funnier message of "What you talking'bout Willis?"
Perhaps for all senior citizens Facebook could ask the question of: "What day is it?" How about a question for baby boomers like: "Having a senior moment?"
Or strictly just for women like :"Do these jeans make my butt look big?"
Maybe Facebook could change it's status updates to what Facebook really thinks about it's users like, "We don't really care, but leave a comment anyways."Copyright(c) 2013, written by Kate Johns, a freelance author since 2004.
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